To comprehend is to be in support of... --Written on: 2003-03-23 ~~ 5:17 p.m.

I was hoping to be able to add this entry before the fighting had begun in Iraq, but as it is I guess I didn't make it. No matter, it still means about the same thing now.

I am baffled at the anti-war protests and the media coverage of them. The only one I've heard thus far that was even slightly worth reporting was one that just happened in Chicago. Supposedly one side of the road were anti-war and yelling "Killers!" across the street. The other site of the road was filled with people screaming "Idiots!" back at them. I wonder what side of the road I'd have been on if I had been there? Perhaps I'll let you decide for yourself.

It seems to me (from my experience and the people whom I've heard speak) that the only people who oppose the war with Iraq are people who don't understand what it's really about. So help me if I hear one more person say the words "No more blood for oil" I will fly off the hook. You want to talk about oil? How about that France, Germany and Russia all have oil contracts with Iraq and that, my friends, is why they are in no hurry to fight them. Yes that's right, our men and women may lose their lives unnecessarily because the French or German soldier that could have been watching their back and shooting the enemy wasn't there. Our international help and support is missing in some cases because of oil. If you think Bush is after oil think for a second... Haven't you paid more at the pumps now than you did before the whole talk of war started? The economy isn't benefiting from some massive oil gush coming directly from Iraq to the USA. Certainly if Bush had some oil-related agenda the best way to achieve success would be to say "aww, Saddam we forgive you... Let's be friends and you keep your weapons and blood money that you will be giving to bin Laden and other terrorists so that they can slaughter thousands of Americans when we least expect it." That would get us some oil and certainly NOT protect us from Muslim extremists. Do you suppose that these Saddam-loving Americans know that dinner and a show to President Hussein is to have some peasant girl dragged in and beaten and tortured and raped in front of him while he enjoys his supper? I certainly hope not; you definitely wouldn't want that sorth of thing going on over here.

There was a news conference on a Thursday night a week or two before the war started. The stupidest question I've ever heard was asked then. A reporter stood up and asked Bush why we would attack them if they haven't attacked us first? What the Hell??? Are you serious? I almost wish that Bush would have taken a step back and said "Oh, Oh my God, you're right! Okay everyone nevermind, go home there will be no war." Then of course, a while later, months maybe, something else here in America blows up and thousands of lives are lost. Then that same reporter will stand up and say "Why didn't you do something to prevent this? We know you knew, so how come you did nothing about it?" If we have learned anything from September 11th it should be that this.. this war is Bush doing exactly what we all asked him to do after the WTC fell. Wake up people.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." --Edmund Burke

Stay Tuned...

Before And After

Would I get a discount if I birthed the baby in the store? - 5/16/05
The end is near? - 5/13/05
The progession of me - 5/10/05
Cleaning update - 5/7/05
Pre-nesting - 5/7/05

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